+++ title = "About" author = ["Elia el Lazkani"] date = 2019-06-21 lastmod = 2021-07-04 draft = false weight = 2001 noauthor = true nocomment = true nodate = true nopaging = true noread = true [menu.main] weight = 2001 identifier = "about" +++ ## Who am I ? {#who-am-i} I am a DevOps cloud engineer with a passion for technology, automation, Linux and OpenSource. I've been on Linux since the _early_ 2000's and have contributed, in some small capacity, to some open source projects along the way. I dabble in this space and I blog about it. This is how I learn, this is how I evolve. ## Contact Me {#contact-me} If, for some reason, you'd like to get in touch you have sevaral options. - Find me on [libera](https://libera.chat/) in `#LebFUG` or `#LearnAndTeach`. - Email me at `blog[at]lazkani[dot]io` If you use _GPG_ and you should, my public key is `2383 8945 E07E 670A 4BFE 39E6 FBD8 1F2B 1F48 8C2B`