+++ title = "The Story Behind cmw" author = ["Elia el Lazkani"] date = 2019-08-31 lastmod = 2019-08-31 tags = ["python", "development"] categories = ["misc"] draft = false +++ A few days ago, [Kushal Das](https://kushaldas.in) shared a curl command. The command was as follows: ```text $ curl https://wttr.in/ ``` I, obviously, was curious. I ran it and it was interesting. So it returns the weather right ? Pretty cool huh! <!--more--> ## The interest {#the-interest} That got me interested to learn how does this work exactly. ## The investigation {#the-investigation} I looked at [https://wttr.in/](https://wttr.in/) and it seemed to have a GitHub [link](https://github.com/chubin/wttr.in) and a repository. That is very interesting. This is a Python application, one can tell by the code or if you prefer the GitHub bar at the top. Anyway, one can also tell that this is a [Flask](https://palletsprojects.com/p/flask/) application from the following code in the bin/srv.py. ```python from flask import Flask, request, send_from_directory APP = Flask(__name__) ``` By reading the README.md of the repository one can read. > wttr.in uses [wego](http://github.com/schachmat/wego) for > visualization and various data sources for weather forecast > information. Let's jump to the _wego_ repository then. _wego_ seems to be a command line application to graph the weather in the terminal. Great, so what I did with [cmw](https://scm.project42.io/elia/cmw) is already done in Go and API'fied by a different project. My answer to that accusation is obviously this post. ## The idea {#the-idea} I played a bit more with [https://wttr.in/](https://wttr.in/) and I found it to an interesting API. I am trying to work on my python development foo so to me that was a perfect little project to work on. From my perspective this was simply an API and I am to consume it to put it back in my terminal. ## The work {#the-work} The beginning work was very rough and hidden away in a private repository and was moved later [here](https://gitea.project42.io/Elia/cmw). The only thing left from that work is the `--format` argument which allows you full control over what gets sent. But again, let's not forget what the real purpose of this project was. So I decided to make the whole API as accessible as possible from the command line tool I am writing. ```text $ cmw --help usage: cmw [-h] [-L LOCATION] [-f FORMAT] [-l LANG] [-m] [-u] [-M] [-z] [-o] [-w] [-A] [-F] [-n] [-q] [-Q] [-N] [-P] [-p] [-T] [-t TRANSPARENCY] [--v2] [--version] Get the weather! optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -L LOCATION, --location LOCATION Location (look at epilog for more information) -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT Query formatting -l LANG, --lang LANG The language to use -m, --metric Units: Metric (SI) (default outside US) -u, --uscs Units: USCS (default in US) -M, --meter-second Units: Show wind speed in m/s -z, --zero View: Only current weather -o, --one View: Current weather & one day -w, --two View: Current weather & two days -A, --ignore-user-agent View: Force ANSI output format -F, --follow-link View: Show the 'Follow' line from upstream -n, --narrow View: Narrow version -q, --quiet View: Quiet version -Q, --super-quiet View: Super quiet version -N, --no-colors View: Switch terminal sequences off -P, --png PNG: Generate PNG file -p, --add-frame PNG: Add frame around output -T, --mid-transparency PNG: Make transparency 150 -t TRANSPARENCY, --transparency TRANSPARENCY PNG: Set transparency between 0 and 255 --v2 v2 interface of the day --version show program's version number and exit Supported Location Types ------------------------ City name: Paris Unicode name: Москва Airport code (3 letters): muc Domain name: @stackoverflow.com Area code: 94107 GPS coordinates: -78.46,106.79 Special Location ---------------- Moon phase (add ,+US or ,+France for these cities): moon Moon phase for a date: moon@2016-10-25 Supported languages ------------------- Supported: af da de el et fr fa hu id it nb nl pl pt-br ro ru tr uk vi ``` ```text $ cmw --location London --lang nl --one Weerbericht voor: London \ / Zonnig .-. 20 °C ― ( ) ― → 19 km/h `-’ 10 km / \ 0.0 mm ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┤ za 31 aug ├───────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┐ │ 's Ochtends │ 's Middags └──────┬──────┘ 's Avonds │ 's Nachts │ ├──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤ │ \ / Gedeeltelijk b…│ \ / Gedeeltelijk b…│ Bewolkt │ \ / Gedeeltelijk b…│ │ _ /"".-. 21 °C │ _ /"".-. 23..24 °C │ .--. 20 °C │ _ /"".-. 18 °C │ │ \_( ). ↗ 12-14 km/h │ \_( ). ↗ 18-20 km/h │ .-( ). ↗ 20-25 km/h │ \_( ). → 16-19 km/h │ │ /(___(__) 10 km │ /(___(__) 10 km │ (___.__)__) 10 km │ /(___(__) 10 km │ │ 0.0 mm | 0% │ 0.0 mm | 0% │ 0.0 mm | 0% │ 0.0 mm | 0% │ └──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┘ Locatie: London [51.509648,-0.099076] ``` ## Conclusion {#conclusion} All I got to say in conclusion is that it was a lot of fun working on [cmw](https://gitea.project42.io/Elia/cmw) and I learned a lot. I'm not going to publish the package on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/) because seriously, what's the point. But if you are interested in making changes to the repository, make an MR.