I talked previously in "[Simple cron monitoring with HealthChecks]({{< relref "simple-cron-monitoring-with-healthchecks" >}})" about deploying my own simple monitoring system.
Now that it's up, I'm only using it for my backups. That's a good use, for sure, but I know I can do better.
So I went digging.
## Introduction {#introduction}
I host a list of services, some are public like my blog while others private.
These services are not critical, some can be down for short periods of time.
Some services might even be down for longer periods without causing any loss in functionality.
That being said, I'm a _DevOps engineer_. That means, I need to know.
Yea, it doesn't mean I'll do something about it right away, but I'd like to be in the know.
We start by defining a few variables for the website hostname to monitor, the check ID provided by _healthchecks_ and finally the _healthchecks_ base link for the monitors.
Once those are set, we simply use `curl` with a couple of special flags to make sure that it fails properly if something goes wrong.
We start the _healthchecks_ timer, run the website check and either call the passing or the failing _healthchecks_ endpoint depending on the outcomes.