{# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #} {% import 'base_helper.tmpl' as base with context %} {% import 'base_menu.tmpl' as menu with context %} {% import 'base_footer.tmpl' as footer with context %} {{ set_locale(lang) }} {# tag is included by base.html_headstart #} {{ base.html_headstart() }} {% block extra_head %} {# Leave this block alone. #} {% endblock %} {{ template_hooks['extra_head']() }} {#{{ messages("Skip to main content") }}#}
{{ menu.html_header() }}
{% block content %}{% endblock %} {{ footer.html_footer() }}
{{ base.late_load_js() }} {% if date_fanciness != 0 %} {% endif %} {% block extra_js %}{% endblock %} {{ body_end }} {{ template_hooks['body_end']() }}