#+BEGIN_COMMENT .. title: About .. date: 2019-06-21T00:00:00+02:00 .. author: Elia el Lazkani .. url: about .. status: published #+END_COMMENT * Who am I ? I am a DevOps engineer with a passion for technology, automation, Linux and OpenSource. I love learning new tricks and challenging myself with new tools being released on a monthly bases around /kubernetes/ and/or /configuration management/. On my free time, I like to write automation tools and packages which can be found on PyPI. Or, I might as well tinker with new things around /kubernetes/. I blog about all that /here/. I think if I can write a blog about it, I understand it enough to have an opinion about it. It all comes in handy when the business need arises. I play around with technologies all day long by deploying, configuring, managing and maintaining all parts of the infrastructure below the application layer. I dabbled with "architecting" parts of different infrastructures, from end to end and I can say I have a knack for it and I like it when possible. * Experience Here's a quick and dirty list of some of the technologies I've had my hands dirty with. - *Neworking*: Configuring routers and switches (Brocade, CISCO, Dell). - *Infrastructure*: Finding, automating, deploying and managing infrastructure key services. Too many to mention. - *Virtualization*: Building infrastructures for virtualization (HyperV, libvirt, proxmox, RHEV, VMWare). - *Configuration Management*: Ansible, Chef, Puppet, SaltStack. - *CI/CD*: Gitlab-CI, Jenkins. - *Cloud*: AWS, Linode & Hetzner. - *Development*: Python and Golang packages for plugging in different technologies together for automation. - *Containers*: Docker, K8s and k3s deployment, management and supporting team deployments. - *Misc*: Service meshes, Hashistack and misc other tools