This plugin implements an Emacs Org-mode based compiler for Nikola. ## Setup If your emacs does not ship with org-mode (>=8.x), you will have to edit the `init.el` file supplied with this plugin, and load a newer version of org-mode. You will also need to add the orgmode compiler to your list of compilers, and modify your POSTS & PAGES variables. (See the sample conf file provided.) ### Syntax highlighting with pygments By default, the plugin uses `pygments` for syntax highlighting. You can disable this by setting `nikola-use-pygments` to `nil` in `init.el` or `conf.el` (see Customization section below). To get proper syntax highlighting, you will need to add custom CSS to your theme. You can generate this CSS using the `pygmentize` command as follows: mkdir -p files/assets/css pygmentize -S -a .highlight -f html >> files/assets/css/custom.css and make sure that `custom.css` is included in your site by your theme. The various available style options for `` can be found using the command `pygmentize -L style`. ## Customization You can add any customization variables that you wish to add, to modify the output generated by org-mode to `conf.el` inside the plugin directory. This lets you have custom configuration, that doesn't get wiped out each time the plugin is updated. ## Teasers You may use teasers by enabling `INDEX_TEASERS = True` in, and use `{{{TEASER_END}}}` to generate `` in org posts. ## Image URLs The image url in ox-html is a little fuzzy. For example, `[[/images/test.jpg]]` will be generated as `test.jpg` because the path is considered as an absolute file path. If you add inline images with built-in file scheme to see them on your Emacs orgmode, the references are resolved. For examples, you may refer with `[[file:../images/test.jpg]]` to review an image stored on images directory during writing, then it will be generated as `test.jpg`. Alternatively, you may write `[[img-url:/images/test.jpg]]`, and then it should be generated as `test.jpg`.