import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as httpm from '@actions/http-client'; import * as ifm from '@actions/http-client/lib/interfaces'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import fs from 'fs'; import * as http from 'http'; import { IS_WINDOWS, IGraalPyManifestRelease, createSymlinkInFolder, isNightlyKeyword, getBinaryDirectory, getNextPageUrl } from './utils'; const TOKEN = core.getInput('token'); const AUTH = !TOKEN ? undefined : `token ${TOKEN}`; export async function installGraalPy( graalpyVersion: string, architecture: string, allowPreReleases: boolean, releases: IGraalPyManifestRelease[] | undefined ) { let downloadDir; releases = releases ?? (await getAvailableGraalPyVersions()); if (!releases || !releases.length) { throw new Error('No release was found in GraalPy version.json'); } let releaseData = findRelease(releases, graalpyVersion, architecture, false); if (allowPreReleases && (!releaseData || !releaseData.foundAsset)) { // check for pre-release [ `Stable GraalPy version ${graalpyVersion} with arch ${architecture} not found`, `Trying pre-release versions` ].join(os.EOL) ); releaseData = findRelease(releases, graalpyVersion, architecture, true); } if (!releaseData || !releaseData.foundAsset) { throw new Error( `GraalPy version ${graalpyVersion} with arch ${architecture} not found` ); } const {foundAsset, resolvedGraalPyVersion} = releaseData; const downloadUrl = `${foundAsset.browser_download_url}`;`Downloading GraalPy from "${downloadUrl}" ...`); try { const graalpyPath = await tc.downloadTool(downloadUrl, undefined, AUTH);'Extracting downloaded archive...'); downloadDir = await tc.extractTar(graalpyPath); // root folder in archive can have unpredictable name so just take the first folder // downloadDir is unique folder under TEMP and can't contain any other folders const archiveName = fs.readdirSync(downloadDir)[0]; const toolDir = path.join(downloadDir, archiveName); let installDir = toolDir; if (!isNightlyKeyword(resolvedGraalPyVersion)) { installDir = await tc.cacheDir( toolDir, 'GraalPy', resolvedGraalPyVersion, architecture ); } const binaryPath = getBinaryDirectory(installDir); await createGraalPySymlink(binaryPath, resolvedGraalPyVersion); await installPip(binaryPath); return {installDir, resolvedGraalPyVersion}; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Error) { // Rate limit? if ( err instanceof tc.HTTPError && (err.httpStatusCode === 403 || err.httpStatusCode === 429) ) { `Received HTTP status code ${err.httpStatusCode}. This usually indicates the rate limit has been exceeded` ); } else {; } if (err.stack !== undefined) { core.debug(err.stack); } } throw err; } } export async function getAvailableGraalPyVersions() { const http: httpm.HttpClient = new httpm.HttpClient('tool-cache'); const headers: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders = {}; if (AUTH) { headers.authorization = AUTH; } let url: string | null = ''; const result: IGraalPyManifestRelease[] = []; do { const response: ifm.TypedResponse = await http.getJson(url, headers); if (!response.result) { throw new Error( `Unable to retrieve the list of available GraalPy versions from '${url}'` ); } result.push(...response.result); url = getNextPageUrl(response); } while (url); return result; } async function createGraalPySymlink( graalpyBinaryPath: string, graalpyVersion: string ) { const version = semver.coerce(graalpyVersion)!; const pythonBinaryPostfix = semver.major(version); const pythonMinor = semver.minor(version); const graalpyMajorMinorBinaryPostfix = `${pythonBinaryPostfix}.${pythonMinor}`; const binaryExtension = IS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' : '';'Creating symlinks...'); createSymlinkInFolder( graalpyBinaryPath, `graalpy${binaryExtension}`, `python${pythonBinaryPostfix}${binaryExtension}`, true ); createSymlinkInFolder( graalpyBinaryPath, `graalpy${binaryExtension}`, `python${binaryExtension}`, true ); createSymlinkInFolder( graalpyBinaryPath, `graalpy${binaryExtension}`, `graalpy${graalpyMajorMinorBinaryPostfix}${binaryExtension}`, true ); } async function installPip(pythonLocation: string) { "Installing pip (GraalPy doesn't update pip because it uses a patched version of pip)" ); const pythonBinary = path.join(pythonLocation, 'python'); await exec.exec(`${pythonBinary} -m ensurepip --default-pip`); } export function graalPyTagToVersion(tag: string) { const versionPattern = /.*-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?)((?:a|b|rc))?(\d*)?/; const match = tag.match(versionPattern); if (match && match[2]) { return `${match[1]}-${match[2]}.${match[3]}`; } else if (match) { return match[1]; } else { return tag.replace(/.*-/, ''); } } export function findRelease( releases: IGraalPyManifestRelease[], graalpyVersion: string, architecture: string, includePrerelease: boolean ) { const options = {includePrerelease: includePrerelease}; const filterReleases = releases.filter(item => { const isVersionSatisfied = semver.satisfies( graalPyTagToVersion(item.tag_name), graalpyVersion, options ); return ( isVersionSatisfied && !!findAsset(item, architecture, process.platform) ); }); if (!filterReleases.length) { return null; } const sortedReleases = filterReleases.sort((previous, current) => semver.coerce(graalPyTagToVersion(current.tag_name))!, semver.coerce(graalPyTagToVersion(previous.tag_name))! ) ); const foundRelease = sortedReleases[0]; const foundAsset = findAsset(foundRelease, architecture, process.platform); return { foundAsset, resolvedGraalPyVersion: graalPyTagToVersion(foundRelease.tag_name) }; } export function toGraalPyPlatform(platform: string) { switch (platform) { case 'win32': return 'windows'; case 'darwin': return 'macos'; } return platform; } export function toGraalPyArchitecture(architecture: string) { switch (architecture) { case 'x64': return 'amd64'; case 'arm64': return 'aarch64'; } return architecture; } export function findAsset( item: IGraalPyManifestRelease, architecture: string, platform: string ) { const graalpyArch = toGraalPyArchitecture(architecture); const graalpyPlatform = toGraalPyPlatform(platform); const found = item.assets.filter( file =>'graalpy') &&`-${graalpyPlatform}-${graalpyArch}.tar.gz`) ); /* In the future there could be more variants of GraalPy for a single release. Pick the shortest name, that one is the most likely to be the primary variant. */ found.sort((f1, f2) => -; return found[0]; }