import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import fs from 'fs'; import {State} from './cache-distributions/cache-distributor'; // Added early exit to resolve issue with slow post action step: // - // export async function run(earlyExit?: boolean) { try { const cache = core.getInput('cache'); if (cache) { await saveCache(cache); if (earlyExit) { process.exit(0); } } } catch (error) { const err = error as Error; core.setFailed(err.message); } } async function saveCache(packageManager: string) { const cachePathState = core.getState(State.CACHE_PATHS); if (!cachePathState) { core.warning( 'Cache paths are empty. Please check the previous logs and make sure that the python version is specified' ); return; } const cachePaths = JSON.parse(cachePathState) as string[]; core.debug(`paths for caching are ${cachePaths.join(', ')}`); if (!isCacheDirectoryExists(cachePaths)) { throw new Error( `Cache folder path is retrieved for ${packageManager} but doesn't exist on disk: ${cachePaths.join( ', ' )}. This likely indicates that there are no dependencies to cache. Consider removing the cache step if it is not needed.` ); } const primaryKey = core.getState(State.STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY); const matchedKey = core.getState(State.CACHE_MATCHED_KEY); if (!primaryKey) { core.warning('Error retrieving key from state.'); return; } else if (matchedKey === primaryKey) { // no change in target directories `Cache hit occurred on the primary key ${primaryKey}, not saving cache.` ); return; } let cacheId = 0; try { cacheId = await cache.saveCache(cachePaths, primaryKey); } catch (err) { const message = (err as Error).message;`[warning]${message}`); return; } if (cacheId == -1) { return; }`Cache saved with the key: ${primaryKey}`); } function isCacheDirectoryExists(cacheDirectory: string[]) { const result = cacheDirectory.reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => { return previousValue || fs.existsSync(currentValue); }, false); return result; } run(true);