import * as cache from '@actions/cache'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; export enum State { STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY = 'cache-primary-key', CACHE_MATCHED_KEY = 'cache-matched-key', CACHE_PATHS = 'cache-paths' } abstract class CacheDistributor { protected CACHE_KEY_PREFIX = 'setup-python'; constructor( protected packageManager: string, protected cacheDependencyPath: string ) {} protected abstract getCacheGlobalDirectories(): Promise; protected abstract computeKeys(): Promise<{ primaryKey: string; restoreKey: string[] | undefined; }>; public async restoreCache() { const {primaryKey, restoreKey} = await this.computeKeys(); if (primaryKey.endsWith('-')) { throw new Error( `No file in ${process.cwd()} matched to [${this.cacheDependencyPath .split('\n') .join(',')}], make sure you have checked out the target repository` ); } const cachePath = await this.getCacheGlobalDirectories(); core.saveState(State.CACHE_PATHS, cachePath); core.saveState(State.STATE_CACHE_PRIMARY_KEY, primaryKey); const matchedKey = await cache.restoreCache( cachePath, primaryKey, restoreKey ); if (matchedKey) { core.saveState(State.CACHE_MATCHED_KEY, matchedKey);`Cache restored from key: ${matchedKey}`); } else {`${this.packageManager} cache is not found`); } } } export default CacheDistributor;