import fs from 'fs'; import {HttpClient} from '@actions/http-client'; import * as ifm from '@actions/http-client/lib/interfaces'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; import * as exec from '@actions/exec'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as installer from '../src/install-pypy'; import { IPyPyManifestRelease, IPyPyManifestAsset, IS_WINDOWS } from '../src/utils'; import manifestData from './data/pypy.json'; let architecture: string; if (IS_WINDOWS) { architecture = 'x86'; } else { architecture = 'x64'; } const toolDir = path.join(__dirname, 'runner', 'tools'); const tempDir = path.join(__dirname, 'runner', 'temp'); describe('pypyVersionToSemantic', () => { it.each([ ['7.3.3rc1', '7.3.3-rc.1'], ['7.3.3', '7.3.3'], ['7.3.x', '7.3.x'], ['7.x', '7.x'], ['nightly', 'nightly'] ])('%s -> %s', (input, expected) => { expect(installer.pypyVersionToSemantic(input)).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('findRelease', () => { const result = JSON.stringify(manifestData); const releases = JSON.parse(result) as IPyPyManifestRelease[]; const extension = IS_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar.bz2'; const extensionName = IS_WINDOWS ? `${process.platform}${extension}` : `${process.platform}64${extension}`; const files: IPyPyManifestAsset = { filename: `pypy3.6-v7.3.3-${extensionName}`, arch: architecture, platform: process.platform, download_url: `${extensionName}` }; const filesRC1: IPyPyManifestAsset = { filename: `pypy3.6-v7.4.0rc1-${extensionName}`, arch: architecture, platform: process.platform, download_url: `${extensionName}` }; let getBooleanInputSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let warningSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let debugSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let infoSpy: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { infoSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); infoSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); warningSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); warningSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); debugSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); debugSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); }); it("Python version is found, but PyPy version doesn't match", () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = '7.3.7'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual(null); }); it('Python version is found and PyPy version matches', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = '7.3.3'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: files, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: pypyVersion }); }); it('Python version is found in toolcache and PyPy version matches semver', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = '7.x'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: files, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.3.3' }); }); it('Python and preview version of PyPy are found', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.7'; const pypyVersion = installer.pypyVersionToSemantic('7.3.3rc2'); expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: { filename: `test${extension}`, arch: architecture, platform: process.platform, download_url: `test${extension}` }, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.7.7', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.3.3rc2' }); }); it('Python version with latest PyPy is found', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = 'x'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: files, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.3.3' }); }); it('Python version and PyPy version matches semver (pre-release)', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = '7.4.x'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toBeNull(); expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, true ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: filesRC1, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.4.0rc1' }); }); it('Nightly release is found', () => { const pythonVersion = '3.6'; const pypyVersion = 'nightly'; const filename = IS_WINDOWS ? '' : 'filename.tar.bz2'; expect( installer.findRelease( releases, pythonVersion, pypyVersion, architecture, false ) ).toEqual({ foundAsset: { filename: filename, arch: architecture, platform: process.platform, download_url: `${filename}` }, resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6', resolvedPyPyVersion: pypyVersion }); }); }); describe('installPyPy', () => { let tcFind: jest.SpyInstance; let getBooleanInputSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let warningSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let debugSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let infoSpy: jest.SpyInstance; let spyExtractZip: jest.SpyInstance; let spyExtractTar: jest.SpyInstance; let spyFsReadDir: jest.SpyInstance; let spyFsWriteFile: jest.SpyInstance; let spyHttpClient: jest.SpyInstance; let spyExistsSync: jest.SpyInstance; let spyExec: jest.SpyInstance; let spySymlinkSync: jest.SpyInstance; let spyDownloadTool: jest.SpyInstance; let spyCacheDir: jest.SpyInstance; let spyChmodSync: jest.SpyInstance; beforeEach(() => { tcFind = jest.spyOn(tc, 'find'); tcFind.mockImplementation(() => path.join('PyPy', '3.6.12', architecture)); spyDownloadTool = jest.spyOn(tc, 'downloadTool'); spyDownloadTool.mockImplementation(() => path.join(tempDir, 'PyPy')); spyExtractZip = jest.spyOn(tc, 'extractZip'); spyExtractZip.mockImplementation(() => tempDir); spyExtractTar = jest.spyOn(tc, 'extractTar'); spyExtractTar.mockImplementation(() => tempDir); infoSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'info'); infoSpy.mockImplementation(() => {}); warningSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'warning'); warningSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); debugSpy = jest.spyOn(core, 'debug'); debugSpy.mockImplementation(() => null); spyFsReadDir = jest.spyOn(fs, 'readdirSync'); spyFsReadDir.mockImplementation(() => ['PyPyTest']); spyFsWriteFile = jest.spyOn(fs, 'writeFileSync'); spyFsWriteFile.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyHttpClient = jest.spyOn(HttpClient.prototype, 'getJson'); spyHttpClient.mockImplementation( async (): Promise<ifm.TypedResponse<IPyPyManifestRelease[]>> => { const result = JSON.stringify(manifestData); return { statusCode: 200, headers: {}, result: JSON.parse(result) as IPyPyManifestRelease[] }; } ); spyExec = jest.spyOn(exec, 'exec'); spyExec.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spySymlinkSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'symlinkSync'); spySymlinkSync.mockImplementation(() => undefined); spyExistsSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'existsSync'); spyExistsSync.mockImplementation(() => false); }); afterEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); it('throw if release is not found', async () => { await expect( installer.installPyPy('7.3.3', '3.6.17', architecture, false, undefined) ).rejects.toThrow( `PyPy version 3.6.17 (7.3.3) with arch ${architecture} not found` ); expect(spyHttpClient).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyDownloadTool).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyExec).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('found and install PyPy', async () => { spyCacheDir = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir'); spyCacheDir.mockImplementation(() => path.join(toolDir, 'PyPy', '3.6.12', architecture) ); spyChmodSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'chmodSync'); spyChmodSync.mockImplementation(() => undefined); await expect( installer.installPyPy('7.x', '3.6.12', architecture, false, undefined) ).resolves.toEqual({ installDir: path.join(toolDir, 'PyPy', '3.6.12', architecture), resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.3.3' }); expect(spyHttpClient).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyDownloadTool).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyExistsSync).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCacheDir).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyExec).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('found and install PyPy, pre-release fallback', async () => { spyCacheDir = jest.spyOn(tc, 'cacheDir'); spyCacheDir.mockImplementation(() => path.join(toolDir, 'PyPy', '3.6.12', architecture) ); spyChmodSync = jest.spyOn(fs, 'chmodSync'); spyChmodSync.mockImplementation(() => undefined); await expect( installer.installPyPy('7.4.x', '3.6.12', architecture, false, undefined) ).rejects.toThrow(); await expect( installer.installPyPy('7.4.x', '3.6.12', architecture, true, undefined) ).resolves.toEqual({ installDir: path.join(toolDir, 'PyPy', '3.6.12', architecture), resolvedPythonVersion: '3.6.12', resolvedPyPyVersion: '7.4.0rc1' }); expect(spyHttpClient).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyDownloadTool).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyExistsSync).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyCacheDir).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(spyExec).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });