import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as finder from './find-python'; import * as finderPyPy from './find-pypy'; import * as finderGraalPy from './find-graalpy'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as os from 'os'; import fs from 'fs'; import {getCacheDistributor} from './cache-distributions/cache-factory'; import { isCacheFeatureAvailable, logWarning, IS_MAC, getVersionInputFromFile, getVersionInputFromPlainFile } from './utils'; function isPyPyVersion(versionSpec: string) { return versionSpec.startsWith('pypy'); } function isGraalPyVersion(versionSpec: string) { return versionSpec.startsWith('graalpy'); } async function cacheDependencies(cache: string, pythonVersion: string) { const cacheDependencyPath = core.getInput('cache-dependency-path') || undefined; const cacheDistributor = getCacheDistributor( cache, pythonVersion, cacheDependencyPath ); await cacheDistributor.restoreCache(); } function resolveVersionInputFromDefaultFile(): string[] { const couples: [string, (versionFile: string) => string[]][] = [ ['.python-version', getVersionInputFromPlainFile] ]; for (const [versionFile, _fn] of couples) { logWarning( `Neither 'python-version' nor 'python-version-file' inputs were supplied. Attempting to find '${versionFile}' file.` ); if (fs.existsSync(versionFile)) { return _fn(versionFile); } else { logWarning(`${versionFile} doesn't exist.`); } } return []; } function resolveVersionInput() { let versions = core.getMultilineInput('python-version'); const versionFile = core.getInput('python-version-file'); if (versions.length) { if (versionFile) { core.warning( 'Both python-version and python-version-file inputs are specified, only python-version will be used.' ); } } else { if (versionFile) { if (!fs.existsSync(versionFile)) { throw new Error( `The specified python version file at: ${versionFile} doesn't exist.` ); } versions = getVersionInputFromFile(versionFile); } else { versions = resolveVersionInputFromDefaultFile(); } } return versions; } async function run() { if (IS_MAC) { process.env['AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY'] = '/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache'; } if (process.env.AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY?.trim()) { process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE'] = process.env['AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY']; } core.debug( `Python is expected to be installed into ${process.env['RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE']}` ); try { const versions = resolveVersionInput(); const checkLatest = core.getBooleanInput('check-latest'); const allowPreReleases = core.getBooleanInput('allow-prereleases'); if (versions.length) { let pythonVersion = ''; const arch: string = core.getInput('architecture') || os.arch(); const updateEnvironment = core.getBooleanInput('update-environment'); core.startGroup('Installed versions'); for (const version of versions) { if (isPyPyVersion(version)) { const installed = await finderPyPy.findPyPyVersion( version, arch, updateEnvironment, checkLatest, allowPreReleases ); pythonVersion = `${installed.resolvedPyPyVersion}-${installed.resolvedPythonVersion}`; `Successfully set up PyPy ${installed.resolvedPyPyVersion} with Python (${installed.resolvedPythonVersion})` ); } else if (isGraalPyVersion(version)) { const installed = await finderGraalPy.findGraalPyVersion( version, arch, updateEnvironment, checkLatest, allowPreReleases ); pythonVersion = `${installed}`;`Successfully set up GraalPy ${installed}`); } else { if (version.startsWith('2')) { core.warning( 'The support for python 2.7 was removed on June 19, 2023. Related issue:' ); } const installed = await finder.useCpythonVersion( version, arch, updateEnvironment, checkLatest, allowPreReleases ); pythonVersion = installed.version;`Successfully set up ${installed.impl} (${pythonVersion})`); } } core.endGroup(); const cache = core.getInput('cache'); if (cache && isCacheFeatureAvailable()) { await cacheDependencies(cache, pythonVersion); } } else { core.warning( 'The `python-version` input is not set. The version of Python currently in `PATH` will be used.' ); } const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '../..', '.github');`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'python.json')}`); } catch (err) { core.setFailed((err as Error).message); } } run();