import * as path from 'path'; import * as graalpyInstall from './install-graalpy'; import { IS_WINDOWS, validateVersion, IGraalPyManifestRelease, getBinaryDirectory } from './utils'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache'; export async function findGraalPyVersion( versionSpec: string, architecture: string, updateEnvironment: boolean, checkLatest: boolean, allowPreReleases: boolean ): Promise { let resolvedGraalPyVersion = ''; let installDir: string | null; let releases: IGraalPyManifestRelease[] | undefined; let graalpyVersionSpec = parseGraalPyVersion(versionSpec); if (checkLatest) { releases = await graalpyInstall.getAvailableGraalPyVersions(); if (releases && releases.length > 0) { const releaseData = graalpyInstall.findRelease( releases, graalpyVersionSpec, architecture, false ); if (releaseData) {`Resolved as GraalPy ${releaseData.resolvedGraalPyVersion}`); graalpyVersionSpec = releaseData.resolvedGraalPyVersion; } else { `Failed to resolve GraalPy ${graalpyVersionSpec} from manifest` ); } } } ({installDir, resolvedGraalPyVersion} = findGraalPyToolCache( graalpyVersionSpec, architecture )); if (!installDir) { ({installDir, resolvedGraalPyVersion} = await graalpyInstall.installGraalPy( graalpyVersionSpec, architecture, allowPreReleases, releases )); } const pipDir = IS_WINDOWS ? 'Scripts' : 'bin'; const _binDir = path.join(installDir, pipDir); const binaryExtension = IS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' : ''; const pythonPath = path.join( IS_WINDOWS ? installDir : _binDir, `python${binaryExtension}` ); const pythonLocation = getBinaryDirectory(installDir); if (updateEnvironment) { core.exportVariable('pythonLocation', installDir); // core.exportVariable('Python_ROOT_DIR', installDir); // core.exportVariable('Python2_ROOT_DIR', installDir); // core.exportVariable('Python3_ROOT_DIR', installDir); core.exportVariable('PKG_CONFIG_PATH', pythonLocation + '/lib/pkgconfig'); core.addPath(pythonLocation); core.addPath(_binDir); } core.setOutput('python-version', 'graalpy' + resolvedGraalPyVersion); core.setOutput('python-path', pythonPath); return resolvedGraalPyVersion; } export function findGraalPyToolCache( graalpyVersion: string, architecture: string ) { let resolvedGraalPyVersion = ''; let installDir: string | null = tc.find( 'GraalPy', graalpyVersion, architecture ); if (installDir) { // 'tc.find' finds tool based on Python version but we also need to check // whether GraalPy version satisfies requested version. resolvedGraalPyVersion = path.basename(path.dirname(installDir)); const isGraalPyVersionSatisfies = semver.satisfies( resolvedGraalPyVersion, graalpyVersion ); if (!isGraalPyVersionSatisfies) { installDir = null; resolvedGraalPyVersion = ''; } } if (!installDir) { `GraalPy version ${graalpyVersion} was not found in the local cache` ); } return {installDir, resolvedGraalPyVersion}; } export function parseGraalPyVersion(versionSpec: string): string { const versions = versionSpec.split('-').filter(item => !!item); if (/^(graalpy)(.+)/.test(versions[0])) { const version = versions[0].replace('graalpy', ''); versions.splice(0, 1, 'graalpy', version); } if (versions.length < 2 || versions[0] != 'graalpy') { throw new Error( "Invalid 'version' property for GraalPy. GraalPy version should be specified as 'graalpy' or 'graalpy-'. See README for examples and documentation." ); } const pythonVersion = versions[1]; if (!validateVersion(pythonVersion)) { throw new Error( "Invalid 'version' property for GraalPy. GraalPy versions should satisfy SemVer notation. See README for examples and documentation." ); } return pythonVersion; }